Published: 2023-12-25

Highly Independent 5G Multiband Antenna using Circular Patch Structure

Yohanes Galih Adhiyoga, Tri Nur Arifin, Syaeful Ilman, Erfiana Wahyuningsih, Dian Rusdiyanto, Adhi Mahendra


Abstract: 276 | PDF downloads:201

Microwave Link License Fee for 5G Backhaul Connectivity (Study Case: Indonesia)

Alvin Yusri, Nachwan Mufti Adriansyah, Ahmad Tri Hanuranto


Abstract: 220 | PDF downloads:171
Abstract: 223 | PDF downloads:229

Policy Mechanism for Security of National Vital Objects in the Telecommunications Sector in Indonesia

galih Ariprawira, Lessy Sutiyono Aji, Ade Wahyudin, Alfin Hikmaturokhman


Abstract: 283 | PDF downloads:199
Abstract: 311 | PDF downloads:275