Design Of The Rectangular Microstrip Antenna For E-UTRAN New Radio – Dual Connectivity (EN-DC)

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Amiludin Amiludin
Petrus Kerowe Goran
Eka Setia Nugraha


Wireless communication systems are multiplying, and the high data access and volume have increased yearly. The 3GPP release 15 introduces a technique called E-UTRAN New Radio – Dual Connectivity (EN-DC). This technique allows users to simultaneously utilize 4G and 5G transmissions on a single antenna. The EN-DC antenna requires beamforming capabilities, often achieved using a Butler matrix. Butler matrix can produce an ideal phase difference of -1350, -450, +450, and +1350, or called ±450 and ±1350. This research discusses the design of microstrip rectangular MIMO 4x4 standalone and the Butler matrix method operation at 2.1 GHz and 2.375 GHz to obtain a phase difference in each antenna element. In this case, the simulation results show that a standalone antenna MIMO 4x4 produces a main phase direction of approximately ±171.00 at 2.1 GHz for 4G at elements 1, 2, 3, and 4. At 2.375 GHz for 5G, the main phase direction for the same elements is approximately ±25.00. At 2.1 GHz for 4G at elements 1, 2, 3, and 4, the simulation results for the antenna MIMO 4x4 with the Butler matrix indicate a main phase direction of around ±1.00. For elements 1 and 4, the primary phase direction at 2.375 GHz is around ±19.00, while for elements 2 and 3, it is around ±52.00. The simulation results demonstrate that the phase direction of the antenna MIMO 4x4 is significantly improved because of the Butler matrix. In addition, that is a limited phase direction for a standalone antenna MIMO 4x4.

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