Creating Competitive Advantage in the Turbulent Business Environment: Lesson Learned from Indonesia Telecommunication Industry

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Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai keunggulan bersaing penyelenggara telekomunikasi dan mengeksplorasi bagaimana menciptakankeunggulan bersaing yang superior dalam lingkungan bisnis yang bergejolak.

Penelitian melibatkan pimpinan unit bisnis penyelenggara telekomunikasi di Indonesia sebagai responden penelitian dengan metode descriptive survey dan explanatory survey menggunakan Partial Least Square-Path Modelling (PLS-PM). Dari analisis deskriptif, diperoleh bahwa keunggulan bersaing penyelenggara telekomunikasi di Indonesia termasuk dalam kategori baik dan lebih banyak dibangun melalui efisiensi produk, terutama efisiensi yang lebih tinggi dalam menghasilkan produk atau layanan.Namun demikian, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan respon pasar memiliki kontribusi yang lebih dominan dalam menciptakan keunggulan bersaing yang superior pada lingkungan bisnis yang bergejolak. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, penyelenggara telekomunikasi di Indonesia perlu meningkatkan kemampuannya,terutama dalam menciptakan respon yang lebih cepat untuk memasuki pasar-pasar baru serta menghasilkan produk atau layanan dengan biaya yang lebih rendah.


This study aims to describe the competitive advantage of the telecommunications provider and explore how to create a superior competitive advantage in the turbulent business environment. The study involved many leaders of business units of telecommunications operators in Indonesia as research respondents. The research uses descriptive survey and explanatory survey using Partial Least Square-Path Modeling (PLS-PM). From the descriptive analysis, it is found that the competitive advantage of telecommunications operators in Indonesia belongs to the excellent category, and was built more through product cost-efficiency, especially higher efficiency in producing products or services. However, the results of the study show that market responsiveness turned out to have a more dominant contribution in creating a superior competitive advantage in a turbulent business environment. Thus, the competitive advantage is still not optimal. To solve this problem, the telecommunications provider in Indonesia needs to increase the ability to quickly enter new markets and produce products or services at a lower cost.

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Author Biography

Muhammad Imam Nashiruddin, Center for Regulation & Management of Telecommunication (CRMT), School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University

Muhammad    Imam    Nashiruddin (Member, IEEE) earned his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (telecommunication) from University of Brawijaya in 1997, his master’s degree in electrical engineering (Information Technology & Multimedia System)  from Bandung Institute of Technology in 2003 and  his Ph.D. in business management from University of Padjajaran in  2014. Currently, he is senior lecture in the Graduate Program in Management, University of Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama) and the Graduate Program in Telecommunication Management, University of Indonesia. In 2015-2018, he was appointed as a Commissioner for Economic & Business at the Indonesia Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (BRTI). He had a previous career as a professional in INDOSAT – a Full & Network Service Provider - for 17 years with his last position as Group Head of Corporate Strategy & Insight. His research interest including telecommunication management, telecommunication policy & regulatory, strategic management, ICT business management and digital transformation. He also engaged as the delegation of Republic Indonesia in several international telecommunication forum, including World Radiocommunication Conference, World Telecommunication Development Conference, Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT), and ASEAN Telecom Regulatory Council (ATRC). He also led several activities new technology implementation in Indonesia, both technical, management and regulatory aspect.


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