Analisis Propagasi Gelombang Radio HF Mode Angkasa untuk Kegiatan Patroli Laut Bea Cukai

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Varuliantor Dear
Annis Siradj Mardiani
Harpan Budi Santoso
Gatot Wikantho



Makalah ini membahas tentang hasil analisis propagasi gelombang radio pada spektrum HF (High Frequency; 3–30 MHz) menggunakan mode angkasa (skywave propagation) yang ditujukan untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi frekuensi kerja (fc) bagi kegiatan patroli laut Bea Cukai. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 rekomendasi rentang frekuensi kerja, yakni 2,170–2,194 MHz, 4,000–4,063 MHz, 8,100–8,815 MHz, 12,230–13,200 MHz, dan 16,360–17,410 MHz. Rentang frekuensi 2,170–2,194 MHz diperuntukkan bagi penggunaan malam hari, baik untuk komunikasi antara Pangkalan Sarana Operasi (PSO) dengan kapal patroli maupun komunikasi antar-PSO. Rentang frekuensi 4,000–4,063 MHz diperuntukkan bagi komunikasi antara PSO dengan kapal patroli pada siang hari serta untuk komunikasi antar-PSO di malam hari. Rentang frekuensi 8,100–8,815 MHz hanya diperuntukkan bagi komunikasi antara PSO dengan kapal patroli pada siang hari. Sedangkan frekuensi 12,230–13,200 MHz dan 16,360–17,410 MHz diperuntukkan bagi komunikasi antar-PSO dengan jarak antara 1.000 km hingga 2.000 km dan jarak lebih dari 2.000 km pada siang hari. Frekuensi yang telah diperoleh dapat diterapkan untuk kegiatan operasional dengan menggunakan manajemen frekuensi yang bersifat manual atau dengan menggunakan sistem Automatic Link Establishment (ALE).




This paper discusses the results of radio wave propagation analysis in HF spectrum (High Frequency; 3–30 MHz) using skywave propagation mode aimed to obtain recommendations for working frequency (fc) for operational activities of Customs and Excise (DJBC) Marine Patrol. The result shows that there are 5 working frequency range recommendations, i.e. 2.170–2.194 MHz, 4.000–4.063 MHz, 8.100–8.815 MHz, 12.230–13.200 MHz, and 16.360–17.410 MHz. Frequency range of 2.170–2.194 MHz is intended for night operation, both for communication between Operation Facility Base (PSO) and Patrol Boats and communication between each PSO. Frequency range of 4.000–4.063 MHz is intended for communication between PSO and Patrol Boats during daytime and for communication between PSOs at nighttime. The frequency range of 8.100– 8.815 MHz is only intended for communication between PSO and patrol boats in daytime, while the frequency ranges of 12.230–13.200 MHz and 16.360– 17.410 MHz are for communication between PSOs within 1,000—2,000 km and daytime communication with distance more than 2,000 km. The frequency obtained then can be used for operational communication activities, whether by manual frequency management methods or automatic methods such as Automatic Link Establishment (ALE) system.


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